Latin Paradiddles
By Rick Mattingly

Paradiddles can be used on the drumset to create a Latin-style groove. It's not "authentic," by any means, but can be useful when you want to give a generic Latin flavor to a piece. Start by reviewing the basic paradiddle sticking while playing the bass drum on straight quarter notes.


Next, move the right hand to the bell of the ride cymbal (or to a cowbell).

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Continue playing the left-hand single strokes on the snare drum, but move the left-hand double strokes to the small tom.

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For added color, alternate the pairs of double strokes between the small tom and the floor tom.

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The final step takes a bit of dexterity, so you might want to start at a slower tempo. Play the left-hand single strokes with a cross-stick on the snare. (Don't flip the stick over to play the tom notes; just use the butt end.)

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Click here for a downloadable (pdf) version of the notation and text.